What Are Your Work Values ?

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Values in general means the ideas and beliefs that are really important for an individual to survive in this society. These values help you as a guide to take proper actions. Examples of the values are self-respect, peace, honesty, and success. Your work values are the essential part of your own beliefs and you need to determine these values before you choose your career or accept a job. These values play an important role in work and also shapes you as a person.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic values play an important role in the work life. Intrinsic value is related to the actual task of the job like taking up challenges at work, helping others and introduce some leadership skills. In Extrinsic value, the things that are related are recognition, job security, and high earnings. If you do not understand your work value, then very quickly you will lose your work interest and things will turn monotonous. You will not get any satisfaction from your job role. You may take the help of the tool or list down your work values so that you can work on them separately and understand the core value at work.

After you list down the values, you need to work on the same and then make a checklist of the same to get back to the work on the track. You can include the following values.





5)Working Conditions



8)Helping Society


10)Working conditions

Apart from this, you should also focus on personality type, aptitude, and interests. So, you should also need to work on these factors to get into the work life balance. After all, your personality and attitude define your true potential. So, there is nothing to worry and you will get the real help from the career counselor.